From the start of the world, mankind made designs and
architectures of different things. With the passage of time artists from many
countries get involved into this field.
Before Pakistan independence, Kings
like to paint his paintings and sculptures from good and renowned artists. When Pakistan came
into being some of those artists shifted themselves to Pakistan and a well
known university NationalCollage of Arts also named NCA Lahore which was already teaching
courses of arts continued this process. Many migrated artists took classes of
students. In the start many students studied fine Arts but with time this trend
gone low and very less youngsters choose this field that’s why Pakistan have
shortage of Artists despite of the value of Fine arts never stopped. Today the
level of Arts is many teenagers want to join this Field but because of shortage
of resources, institutes and universities so many youngsters are unable to join
this field. There is another aspect of Fine arts which we are facing is the
expensiveness. The material of fine arts is very costly for low and middle
level of Pakistanis. Only the high class and wealthy people are able to join
At the end as conclusion I would say that is very emerging
field and the scope of this field in Pakistan as well as all over the world is
very high. Every human being is naturally artists in any field of Fine Arts
which he should embrace himself as hobby.
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